In For The Long Day (memories from a better time)

When I know…….

I’m in for the long day

It’s memories from a better time

That keeps me sane

Restless in bed

With cold sweats

I shiver and shake

And suddenly can feel

All the love and heartbreak

I see their faces

And wonder…

How I could have avoided

The reckless mistakes that were made

I picture their lives

And wonder…

How much precious time went to waste

When everything can just suddenly change

Do they still have dreams?

And how many of those now, are too far away?

Would they laugh at the same pretentious jokes?

Or show their cards all nonchalant, and continue to play?

The twilight of my youth is over

And that’s okay

I made a cold bed to sleep in

When it was already years too late

By: S.M. Reno

Processed with MOLDIV

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